
The Leadership Team is a volunteer-driven group of local business leaders who orchestrate resources to champion BBE activities and to strengthen the Boiler brand in the Indy area.

BBE Directors

Pete Quinn (COMM ’81), Sansone Group

Vice President
Aaron Scholl (CPT ’02), Stravero

Pete Lougheed (IE ’02), Morgan Stanley

Past President
Jeff McKean (IM ’86, J.D. ’89), McKean Law

Vice Chair
Mark Carney (HK ’81), WorldTrips Travel Insurance

Vice Chair
Mark DeFabis (AGR ’77), Integrated Distribution Services

Vice Chair
Mike Jones (BCM ’85), Lauth Property Group

Vice Chair/Secretary
Tom Walsh (IE ’86, MBA ’93, J.D. ’95), Ice Miller

Susie Viehmann (PR ’81), Colliers International

Athlete Relations
Jim McKenzie (IE ’84, MBA ’90), McKenzie Foods, Inc. / McKenzie Homes

BBE Advisors

Pete Anderson

Ryan Baker

Dan Boots

Brian Bouggy

Bob Burlas

Michael Byers

Greg Cagnassola

Brian Cardinal

Linda Carroll

Rosevelt Colvin

Ray Fiechter

Scott Fisher

Mike Fritton

Jeff Godby

Mark Herrmann

Joe Holland

Andrea Hopper

Tim Hull

Susan Jones

Bruce Kidd

Steve Klipsch

Matt Macaluso

Laurie Montgomery

Frank Pulice

Bobby Riddell

Jim Robertson

Nick Shelton

Ernie Simons

Lynda Thies

Jim Trachtman